I didn't think that this was worth posting until a friend encouraged me to do so given her enjoyment in reading it. I said "But it's childish," and she replied "Exactly," and I considered how she was right and that's what I was going for in the first place
You see
Out I was, in this grand graceful night,
Navyblue sky, wandering without light
(the moon had capsized, the stars had drown,
the sea of clouds rose up, up, and down).
And within a great wood, I bestowed a great sight.
Through these harshest of winters, it had endured,
An improbable thing by which I had been lured:
The petals of a deceivingly timid flower
maintaining its majesty, its angelics, its power,
and aspiring to inspire while proposing its cures.
And so I took the flower from the ground
held gently in my hand, a Rose up from down.
Well I furiously, passionately, willingly ran
(taking the flower to the nearest flower stand)
escaping from the bats and owls without a sound.
And at that stand I told the good sir
"Please, sir; help me, sir!" "Ah!" he said "Sure!"
He took it from my hand, ever gently so,
and I waved to it as it waved to and fro.
I nodded to its beauty, and he grinned to concur.