Forgive me Forgiveness, for I've used you too well,
and now a man undeserving, deserting, devotes his energies
to taking action and taking advantage of his privileges.
Sober me up, pretty Epiphany, for I am no good man.
Overcast by his hedonisms and perversions, a
nogood man rapes his no good and cracks open a new bad.
Forgive me Forgiveness, for I've used you too often.
Time and again. And again. Thriving on the sobriety, oblivion,
and goodness of others-- their shallow grudges and dropoff mercies.
Sober me up, pretty Epiphany, for I am not a good man.
But my awareness of this, my irrevocable despair and downing,
are screaming and heard, felt, attempting something and
almost succeeding.