Corridored distances, one
three rooms the distance.
You wanted to see an artist
and I wanted to see you
smile and think and otherwise.
So we AlbrightKnoxed* and while I
read about popes and politicians
screaming and weeping in coarse colors,
You gazed for hours. Hours standing,
concentrating, peering. Eyes and mouths
agape rudely, and you didn't care.
So while I read about violet
violence in paintsoaked bedrooms
and tossledhair homosexuality,
You saw about it, and wondered
quietly. You didn't pay attention
to how far away I was at all.
But you blinked and owlturned, and I
soon found your smile at my shoulder
thinking quietly, looking quietly.
*Albright Knox is an art gallery in Buffalo, NY. This particular exhibition was for the dark oils of Francis Bacon.