Thursday, September 25, 2008

There Was A Wedding Earlier

Who knows what chance will bring and who will sing and who will dance?
But I Do know what love is, and
___I Do Know what love is, and
_____where it is abundant, and
_________where it is not, and
____________________the pain in knowing that
___I love ohwhatstheuses: rarities, fantasies, improbabilities, impossibilities...but

Who knows what chance will bring and who will sing and who will dance?
______Perhaps you could find them, these
__abandoned celebration decorations, these
unpredictable, irrepresable treasures, these
___________white roses in an alley, these
____________________white roses I helped you carry and
_____________prayandprayand pray that you'll love you used to...but

Who knows what chance will bring and who will sing and who will dance?
I believe the jester could probably dance, and
_____________the princess could sing, and
_________the bitch will no doubt doubt, and
_______________the jester will laugh, and
____________________the jester will fake a smile that
__denies what is, what will be, obsessively, desperately clenching to what was...but

Who knows what chance will bring and who will sing and who will dance?